Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Welcome to the new blog!

Hello everyone!

I have decided that I loved blogging so much and I would actually start one for everyday things and not just on my travels (though I plan to create individual blogs for specific travels in the future). I have been inspired to continue and will do so on various things, whether it be events in my life, interests, projects I am working on or anything else. This specific post is dedicated to Sherri Smith, my fiber arts professor. Sherri is a bit crazy, sometimes in a good way and sometimes not so. She has other interests besides fibers and they include birds and mushrooms (to eat). Yesterday as I was working on my print in class, she made it clear that she had gone mushroom hunting and found hen of the woods mushrooms and was planning on giving a portion to whomever wanted. Since I now cook 90% of my meals, I was enthusiastic about receiving not only free food but another ingredient to experiment with in the kitchen. I followed Sherri to where she was keeping the fungus and was shocked when she opened the large paper bag and revealed the giant mushroom! She cut me off a portion and a centipede crawled out from inside! I screamed and then quickly wrapped it up in paper to bring home and cook. It was rather tasty if I do say so myself!
The content in this image is around 20% of the original mushroom.