Saturday, April 9, 2011

Screw you ladder... Hello lift

So these last and next few days will be dedicated to installing my IP project in Slusser Gallery. Because of my giant wall space, I was using a ladder to get up high and hang up pieces and draw on the wall. The tallest pieces were so terrifying to hang and I actually started hyperventilating. Who knew I was scared of heights? (well at least heights on a tiny space to stand a ladder) Thank god for Mark Neilson and his trusty lift!!! Alas, one needs some sort of a license to drive it, but when its parked I am able to take over and work!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Installation has begun!

Photo Credit: Ellen Cole Rosengard

Today I walked into my IP class only to find everyone giddy with excitement about the spots we had be given in the galleries. Obviously I freaked out and ran to Slusser Gallery and began hanging things up on the walls! Within 2.5 hours I was able to hang up my framed pieces and tomorrow I plan to hang up my paper sculptures. I am sooooooo excited and cannot handle myself!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Festifools and Lungevity

Festifools came and went. The weather was ridiculous! Sunday morning it was freezing! I helped out with my roommate, Nicole's Lungevity event where I did the face painting along side my other roommate Lauren. Then the Lungevity 5k walk happened and my feet froze! Thank god my house was on the route, so I ran and changed into warm boots. It hailed and there was freezing rain. Once the walk was over, I had to go down to Main St. and dance/marched in Festifools. It was fun but we got hailed in the face and I may have gotten pneumonia. In any case, it was fun and this was my costume!

In other news, I submitted my pieces for IP and will begin installing on Friday! I am so excited to have 4 days to sleep and have a social life, but also for installing my art show!!!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Festifools Costume

Photo Credit: Ellen Cole Rosengard

This Sunday is Festifools, a wonderful, fun, grand and amazing parade that springs up right around April Fools day. My paper engineering class is walking in the parade and we are required to make our own costumes using tyvek. The goal: to walk in stark white costumes wearing all black underneath. Of course, I am using my patterns and decided to make myself a skirt sash combo. What do you think?